Registrar Services

The Registration Process

Students who intend to register for classes in Panama City must be current or active. Newly admitted undergraduate students must attend New ‘Nole orientation before they are permitted to register.

Registrar Services

  • The University Registrar oversees a variety of administrative functions, including registration, drop/add tasks, grade processing, academic-status control, and enrollment cancellations. Registrar services provides information and assistance in the enrollment process and is responsible for scheduling course offerings, classroom assignments and the university Registration Guide. The Registration Guide includes the university academic calendar, registration dates, fee information and other registration details. 
  • The Florida State University Bulletin may be consulted for all information on university policies and procedures; minimum University requirements for a degree; and specific departmental requirements for your major. The University publishes two bulletins:


  • Students may access their registration tools through the myFSU Portal. To access these online services students must activate their FSUID. If you need help navigating the different services on the myFSU Portal visit for step-by-step instructions or contact your academic advisor.
  • Additional frequently asked questions regarding registration may be found on our Spring/Fall/Summer Enrollment FAQ page.
  • All students must acknowledge Financial Responsibility for the courses they enroll in each semester. Until you do this you won’t be able to register for classes. Information about the policy and how to acknowledge responsibility is found on the Student Resources page.

Course Drop/Add

  • During the first four days of classes, individual courses may be added, dropped, or sections of a course changed. Students are financially liable for all courses appearing on their schedule after the fourth day of classes. To add courses AFTER the first four days of classes may require the students’ academic college’s staff approval. Courses dropped during this period do not appear on the student's transcript.
  • Courses may be dropped through the seventh (7th) week of classes with the exception of mandated college preparatory courses, freshman composition, and courses involved in allegations of academic dishonesty; however, tuition charges remain. Approval by the student’s academic college staff is required to reduce the academic load below twelve (12) semester hours or to increase an academic load above eighteen semester hours (to a maximum of twenty-one semester hours). Follow the steps provided here to request a course drop AFTER the 4th day of classes.

Required First class meeting Attendance Policy

  • University-wide policy requires all students to attend the first class meeting of all classes for which they are registered. Students who do not attend the first class meeting of a course for which they are registered will be dropped from the course by the instructor/academic department that offers the course. For distance students, attending means making contact with the instructor as specified by the instructor at the start of the term. This policy applies to all levels of courses and to all campuses and study centers. Please refer to the University Registrar's General Bulletin for additional information.

Withdrawing from classes

  • Florida State University Panama City understands that a student's enrollment may be unexpectedly interrupted due to unforeseen circumstances (personal, family, medical or mental health reasons and/or other crises). Students who must leave during a current semester must officially withdraw (from ALL classes) through the FSU Department of Student Support and Transitions and with the guidance of the FSU Panama City Academic Advising team.
  • IMPORTANT: Please note that a request for withdrawal means withdrawing from ALL courses in the given semester. If you wish to drop a course, but remain enrolled in more than 1 credit hour, than a course drop request may be more appropriate. Be sure and consult with your academic advisor to discuss your options.

Student Financial Responsibility Agreement Acknowledgement

  • The Student Financial Responsibility Agreement (herein referred to simply as agreement) is our way of ensuring that you understand the financial repercussions of enrolling in classes at Florida State University. The agreement outlines the University’s expectations for payment, holds, the employment of collection agencies, contact methods and procedures as well as tax document delivery methods. All FSU students must acknowledge the agreement prior to registering for classes each semester. Students may follow the steps on the Office of Student Finance page to complete the acknowledgement.

Official Transcripts

  • Florida State University has contracted with Credentials Solutions' TranscriptsPlus® service for automated processing of academic transcripts. Using this service allows alumni, former, and current students an efficient, web-based experience for acquiring official transcripts.

Dean’s and President’s List Recognition

  • Dean’s List
    • Undergraduate students who are registered for at least twelve semester hours of letter-grade (A-F) courses are eligible for dean's list recognition by their respective academic college at FSU. The required FSU grade point average is 3.5, in all colleges, for any given term. The student’s academic college will notify their students of this recognition.
  • President’s List
    • Undergraduate students who are registered for at least twelve semester hours of letter grade (A-F) courses are eligible for recognition on the president's list. The required FSU grade point average is 4.0, in all colleges, for any given term. The FSU President’s Office will notify their students of this recognition.

Request a University Academic Progress Check

  • The following students are exempt from this requirement: students who have already requested the academic progress check and those students with prior bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degrees.
  • IMPORTANT: Requesting an academic progress check is NOT the same as applying for graduation!
  • After you submit your request, the University Academic Progress Check hold is removed from your account within one business day. You will receive an email notification after the university Graduation Services staff completes the review. A new link appears on the request page, allowing you to download your academic progress check.
  • Request a University Academic Progress Check

Unofficial Transcripts

  • To view your unofficial transcript, login at using your FSUID.
  • If you are a current student, you will click on the Academics tab.
  • If you are an alumni or former student, you will click on the Alumni and Former Students Tab. Select View Unofficial Transcript and click Submit.
  • Please note that your unofficial transcript will open as a PDF in a new window so your device should allow popups and have a PDF viewer.

How to Update Your Expected Graduation Term

  • Undergraduate Students
    • The university assigns expected graduation terms to all undergraduate students. The system approximates when you will graduate based on your freshman or transfer student status when you are admitted. We encourage you to think of the expected graduation term as a "finish line" when you and your academic advisor are planning your schedule each semester. However, should you need to update your expected graduation term, you may follow the steps found on the university registrar’s How to Update Your Expected Graduation Term.
  • Graduate Students
    • Expected graduation terms are currently assigned to graduate students based on when they have enough hours to graduate. The term is calculated using earned hours plus any current enrollment. Graduate students cannot currently change their expected graduation term through self-service; however, we will be expanding that access soon. Check back for updates!

Excess Credit Hour Surcharge 

  • In 2009, the Florida Legislature implemented Section 1009.286, Florida Statutes, to encourage students to complete the baccalaureate degree as efficiently as possible. It established what is known as the Excess Credit-Hour Surcharge. The law requires universities to add a surcharge to every credit hour taken in excess of the total number of credit hours required to complete the pursued degree. For additional information and to learn how this may affect you, visit the university registrar’s Excess Credit-Hour Surcharge site for more information. 

Office of Admissions and Records


  • 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday
  • 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday


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