Florida State University Panama City is a diverse community with a longstanding tradition of respect for the dignity and worth of each person. We recognize the importance of disagreement and informed debate for a dynamic learning environment, we also expect each member of our community to embrace the values of civility and ethical conduct and share in the responsibility to promote these values.
To share important information regarding incidents or concerning behavior happening in the Florida State University community, including at our Panama City campus, please go to https://report.fsu.edu.
To report issues or concerns at Seminole Landing, please go to https://pc.fsu.edu/seminole-landing-report.
Uphold the Garnet and Gold
Respect, Responsibility, Reflect
To Uphold the Garnet and Gold is to demonstrate respect for yourself and others, take responsibility for yourself and those around you, and reflect the values of Florida State.
Academic Honor Policy
The Academic Honor Policy outlines the University's academic standards as well as the policies and procedures for upholding these standards.
Student Conduct Code
The Student Conduct Code outlines the University's behavioral standards as well as the policies and procedures for upholding these standards.
Title IX
FSU does not discriminate on the basis of sex or gender identity and is required by Title IX to ensure all of its programs and activities do not discriminate in such a manner.
The University supports the rights of all students, including the ability to grieve as well as file complaints. While students are encouraged to resolve issues through an informal process of respectful communication with the individuals involved in the concern, there are procedures in which students may report a complaint or appeal a decision with the University.
Academic: Program or Instructor Concerns
Students who allege academic regulations and procedures have been improperly applied may have their grievances addressed through the general academic appeals process. If the concern is not resolved through the individual instructor or program coordinator, general academic concerns are addressed by filing a written complaint with the Office of the Dean.
Dr. Amy Polick
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Holley Academic Center A311
(850) 770-2252
Academic: Grade Appeals
Final course grades may be appealed under certain circumstances. Students who wish to appeal final grades must contact the instructor in question to discuss the grade and attempt to resolve any differences within 15 class days following the date that final grades are made available. Students should document any attempt to contact the instructor in order to establish that the appeal was begun within this 15-day period.
If no resolution is reached within this 15-day period, after the student’s documented attempt, the student has an additional 10 class days to submit a written statement to the Office of the Dean. The written statement must include an account of attempts to resolve the issue, as well as the evidence that forms the basis for the appeal.
Read more >
Dr. Amy Polick
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Holley Academic Center A311
(850) 770-2252
Academic: Honor Policy Appeals
Students with an alleged Academic Honor Policy violation have the right to contest the sanctions of a first-level agreement and to appeal both the decision and sanctions to have their case reviewed by an Academic Honor Policy Hearing Panel. If the student wishes to appeal the decision and/or sanctions, the instructor submits a Step 2 Hearing Referral form to the Office of the Dean.
Quick Reference Guide for Students >
Dr. Amy Polick
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Holley Academic Center A311
(850) 770-2252
Religious Holy Days
Florida State University provides that students shall, upon notifying their instructor at least two weeks in advance, be excused from class to observe a religious holy day of their faith. While students will be held responsible for the material covered in their absence, each student shall have a reasonable amount of time to make up the work missed. Instructors and University administrators shall in no way arbitrarily penalize students who are absent from academic or social activities because of religious work-restricted holy day observance. Students who allege that this policy has been improperly applied in specific instances may have their grievances addressed through the general academic appeals process. If the concern is not resolved through the individual instructor, Religious Holy Day Policy concerns are addressed by filing a written complaint with the Office of the Dean.
Dr. Amy Polick
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Holley Academic Center A311
(850) 770-2252
Student Conduct: Appeals
An appeal may be requested on any Student Conduct Code Hearing decision if there was a violation of the student’s right to due process, prejudice during the hearing, newly discovered and relevant information, an outcome is extraordinarily disproportionate for the violation(s), or the majority of the evidence presented at the hearing does not support the decision. Students who would like to file an appeal may do so by submitting an Appeal Request form to the Office of Student Affairs within five (5) business days after the hearing decision is sent to the student.
Read more >
Tim Kessler-Cleary
Director of Student Affairs
Barron 208
Office: (850) 770-2190
Complaint: Title IX and Discrimination
Florida State University does not discriminate on the basis of sex/gender in education programs and activities and is required by Title IX to ensure that all of its educational programs and activities do not discriminate in such a manner. Sexual harassment, which includes acts of sexual violence, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX. Additionally, FSU does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, disability, or marital status.
Note: All FSU employees, including student positions, are mandated reporters with the exception of the Counseling Center.
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Discrimination by a Student:
Tim Kessler-Cleary
Director of Student Affairs
Barron 208
Office: (850) 770-2190
Discrimination by a Faculty or Staff Member:
Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance
A6200 University Center, FSU Tallahassee
(850) 645-6519
Confidential Support:
Michael McLaughlin, LCSW
Mental Health Specialist, Student Affairs
Barron Building, Office 214
(850) 770-2174
Complaint: Non-Academic Services
If a concern regarding services provided by a FSU Panama City staff member cannot be resolved informally with the individual and/or the individual’s supervisor, a formal complaint can be filed through the Office of Student Affairs.
Tim Kessler-Cleary
Director of Student Affairs
Barron 208
Office: (850) 770-2190
Complaint: Other Matters
For any concern not addressed in the above categories, students may contact the Office of the Dean to have their complaint resolved.
Tim Kessler-Cleary
Director of Student Affairs
Barron 208
Office: (850) 770-2190