Services & Presentations


  • 24 Hour Confidential Crisis Assistance
  • Assistance filing protective injunctions
  • Emotional Support
  • Evaluation of Options
  • Information and Referrals
  • Safety Planning
  • Referral to a funding source for relocation
  • Accompaniment through Medical & Legal Process
  • Assistance in Student Conduct Process
  • Instructor notification and other accommodations
  • Assistance filing Victim Compensation

Educational Materials and Presentations

The Victim Advocate Program provides educational materials and presentations to classrooms, campus organizations and clubs, campus ministries, etc. To request a presentation, please email Rochelle Kyle at and a representative will be in contact with you about scheduling. If you have any questions about VAP presentations, please call (850) 630-4053.

What Kinds of Presentations Do We Offer?

We can present on any victimization topic. Most common presentations include:

  1. Victim Advocate Program (VAP) – This presentation will provide participants with a basic understanding of the services offered by the VAP, including how referrals are received and who qualifies for our services. Power-based personal violence offenses will be discussed as well as the university conduct process and options for evidence collection and reporting to law enforcement.
  2. Survivor Support – This presentation will discuss ways to help someone who has suffered trauma, especially a sexual assault. Options and resources will be discussed as well as practical things we can do to help a friend or family member and how we can take care of ourselves when helping others after a victimization.

How Long Do Presentations Last?

To present a complete program we ask for at least 45 minutes. However, we can tailor our presentation in content and length to meet your organization’s needs.

What is the Style of the Presentation?

We try to make our presentations as interactive as possible, asking for audience participation throughout. We will also work with the requester to alter our presentations to fit their needs.