Professional Communication (Undergraduate Student Research)

Face to Face 9:45 – 11:00 AM CT: Poster Session

Title of presentation: The Brain and The Alarm Clock  
Presenter:  Emily Kasprowicz
Advisor:  Dr. Nicholas Sellers

I am testing the theory of how our brain tends to ignore the traditional sounds of an alarm clock. I am testing two hypotheses in one theory. Problem 1: Which alarm will get me up on time for school mornings the alarm clock or the alarm on my cell phone? Problem 2: Will I feel less tired when I wake up in the mornings if I go to bed at a reasonable hour which is 9:30 PM? The purpose of this study is so I can live my “Sheldon” moment under the sun in the undergraduate research symposium because A: Participating in the undergraduate research symposium will make me feel a part of the university and I can make some new friends along the way. And B: The Undergraduate Research Symposium will look good on my seminary school application. 

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Title of presentation: Beyond Imagination: AI-Generated Visuals vs. Human Artistry in Eliciting Awe
Presenter: Tiffany Griffin
Advisor: Dr. Nicholas Sellers


This study explores the relationship between artwork and emotions by delving into how awe is elicited and experienced in response to AI-generated images in comparison to images created by human artists. It builds upon previous information about the relationship between artwork generated by text-to-image generative AI and human perception to understand what makes us humans experience awe and if it is something that can be mimicked by AI. Participants will complete a survey that evaluates their personality type, awe responses, and what specifically elicited emotions from the artwork. No data or results have been collected at this time. The potential findings will allow a deeper understanding of not only the complex emotion that is awe but also how to improve our machine learning to build more meaningful connections with humans.

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