Public Health Student Research

Title of presentation: Analyzing Negative Health Outcomes from Self-Reported Survey Results  
Presenter: Cody Flitcraft
Advisor: J. Tory Peek, DrPH, MPH, CPH
This study examines self-identified negative health outcomes among individuals who are or have experienced housing displacement in Bay County, Florida. The research is based on a survey of over 800 Bay County residents, conducted as part of the 2022 Community Health Assessment, and is particularly relevant in an area prone to natural disasters and economic volatility. The findings indicate that negative health outcomes are more prevalent among individuals who have been or are currently displaced. The research also investigates potential relationships between these outcomes and other factors, including demographic data, location, and socioeconomic status. This study sheds light on the complex interplay between housing displacement and health outcomes and highlights the need for interventions to support the health and well-being of displaced individuals. By identifying the specific health outcomes associated with displacement, policymakers, public health professionals, and other stakeholders can develop targeted strategies to address these issues and improve health outcomes for vulnerable populations.

Title of presentation: Identifying Communities of Concern of Suicidality in Bay County, Florida.
Presenter: Timothy Peagler
Advisor: J. Tory Peek, DrPH, MPH, CPH
This poster aims to identify communities in Bay County, Florida where the prevalence of suicidality is a concern by analyzing demographic data from the Bay County Health Survey, including age ranges and zip codes. Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software, I will map and analyze the distribution of suicidality across different neighborhoods and age groups to pinpoint specific areas where targeted prevention and intervention efforts can be most effective in promoting mental health and well-being.