Peer Mentoring

Peer mentors at FSU Panama City work closely with our Student Success staff and other campus stakeholders to help students navigate academic and social life as well as guide students towards success. Our peer mentors are currently enrolled undergraduate students at FSU Panama City who engage with first-year students in their Florida State Experience course as well as work with other students on campus to provide guidance, support, and valuable insights into navigating academic and social life at FSU. Peer mentors serve as role models, offering encouragement, sharing their own experiences, and providing practical advice on topics ranging from course selection to campus resources.

Students can discuss many topics with peer mentors. Topics range from time management, avoiding procrastination, studying for a midterm, reducing school stress, and becoming involved on campus. Mentors may also assist with discussing how to navigate college life, connecting students with appropriate resources and services, developing essential skills and strategies for college success, and various FSU resources. 

Eligibility to Apply as a Mentor

  • Current, degree-seeking FSU Panama City Undergraduate Student
  • Must have at least one academic year (fall and spring semester) completed at FSU
  • Minimum 3.00 FSU GPA
  • Be free of any pending academic honor violations and any behavioral conduct concerns
  • Attend and engage in an assigned IDS1107 (The Florida State Experience) course during the term they are applying for
  • Assist with student success outreach and events
  • Be committed to the position for a full semester
  • Agree to attend all required trainings and meetings

Application Process

The application for peer mentors for the Fall 2024 semester has closed. The application will reopen later this semester for Spring 2025 Peer Mentor application.

  • Have at least two Mentor Recommendation Form completed and submitted on your behalf. At least one of the two recommendation forms must be submitted by an FSU faculty or staff member. This form must be submitted directly to The Chapman Center (Holley C117) or emailed to by the recommender.
  • Upload a resume to your application.
  • Once all application material, including the Recommendation Form has been received, your application will be reviewed, and eligible candidates will be contacted for an interview.

Contact Us

Mentoring Supervisor: Tawni Hayden 
Location: The Chapman Center - Holley C117