FSU Panama City Service and Volunteer Hub

In keeping with our mission of empowering students and developing graduates who positively impact the world, The Office of Student Affairs is committed to promoting service and volunteer opportunities for FSUPC students that will allow them to engage in the community and grow as servant leaders.

ServScript Program

The Office of Student Affairs is pleased to share that FSU Panama City students have access to ServScript, a platform that allows students to record service with the community on their official FSU transcript!

This is an excellent opportunity to track your service participation and ensure that it is included in your official transcript that serves as a direct reflection of your college career to potential employers and future schools. 

For more information on the ServScript program and how to record service hours, please use the link below.


Service Opportunities

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United Way of North Florida 

United Way of North Florida's volunteer platform provides a robust one stop shop to find local volunteer opportunities across Northwest Florida. You can view a calendar of upcoming service opportunities, recently posted volunteer needs, sign up to receive updates, and access the websites for United Way’s 56 partner agencies using the link below.


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Panama City Rescue Mission

Panama City Rescue Mission is a faith-based 501(C)3 non-profit organization. Founded in 1973 by Frank A. Kirk, Panama City Rescue Mission is committed to Christ-centered rescue, recovery, and restoration by equipping the homeless with the skills and knowledge they need to transform their lives.



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Habitat for Humanity of Bay County

Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. Habitat for Humanity of Bay County Florida, Inc. is an ecumenical Christian organization that welcomes volunteers from all faiths who are committed to helping Habitat in its mission of eliminating poverty housing.


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St Andrews St Joe Bays Estuary Program

Restoration activities are geared toward addressing the sources of issues across the watershed with an overall goal of restoring ecosystem function that has been lost. About SASJBEP  



Tim Kessler-Cleary
Director of Student Affairs
Florida State University Panama City