Hospitality & Tourism Management Program

Description of Major 

The program in hospitality management was established in 1947 in recognition of the demand for hotel and restaurant industry executives with the objective of providing the kind of education tomorrow’s hospitality manager will need. The curriculum is designed so that students must meet high standards of achievement in general education and must acquire not only the specialized knowledge needed for their hospitality industry careers, but also understand the basic functions, objectives and tools of management that are common to executive roles. This professional program is nationally and internationally known. Interested students should consult a faculty advisor for more information.


Students are advised to reach out to their academic advisor to determine which curriculum they are subject to:



Prerequisite Coursework

Prerequisite Coursework: (12 hours)
The following courses must be completed with a C minus or better:

MAC 1105 (3) College Algebra
HFT 1000 (3) Introduction to Hospitality
ECO 2013 (3) Principles of Macroeconomics OR ECO 2023 (3) Principles of Microeconomics
CGS 2100 (3) Microcomputer Applications for Business OR CGS 2518 (3) Spreadsheets for Business (preferred)

Note: State-wide common prerequisites are always under review. For the most current information and for acceptable alternative courses, visit the “Common Prerequisites Manual.” This is available from the “Student Services” section of

Requirements for Progression to the Upper-Division Major
Admission to the hospitality and tourism management degree requires the following:
1) Completion of at least 52 semester hours;
2) A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 on all college work attempted;
3) Satisfactory completion of all required prerequisite coursework; and
4) Successful completion of 1st & 2nd GE English and 1st & 2nd GE Math coursework.

Admission Requirements

Requirements for Progression to the Upper-Division Major
Admission to the degree requires the following:

Admission to Florida State University
Completion of at least 52 semester hours
Satisfactory completion of all required prerequisite coursework (see below)
Successful completion of 1st & 2nd Gen Ed English and 1st & 2nd Gen Ed Math coursework
Prerequisite Coursework (12 hours)
The following courses must be completed with a C minus or better:

MAC 1105 (3) College Algebra (or a higher level math course)
ECO 2013 (3) Principles of Macroeconomics OR ECO 2023 (3) Principles of Microeconomics
CGS 2100 (3) Microcomputer Applications for Business OR CGS 2518 (3) Spreadsheets for Business (preferred)
HFT 1000 (3) Introduction to Hospitality (see important notes below)
Important Notes

While we strongly recommend completing all prerequisites prior to applying to FSU, our college does consider conditional admission for students missing prerequisites. Students granted conditional admission will be required to complete the missing prerequisite(s) in their first term at FSU.
Transfer students who are unable to take HFT 1000 during their community college coursework will be able to take HFT 1000 in their first term at FSU.

Hospitality Core Requirements (15 hours):

HFT 3424 (3) Hospitality Financial Analysis
HFT 3431 (3) Hospitality Managerial Accounting
HFT 4502 (3) Integrated Marketing for Hospitality
HFT 4224 (3) Hospitality Leadership and Ethics
HFT 3941 (3) Internship

Hospitality Major Area Courses (24 hours)

HFT 3603 (3) Law for Hospitality Operations
HFT 3806 (3) Introduction to Food and Beverage Management
HFT 4253 (3) Lodging & Luxury Hotel Management
HFT 4471 (3) Revenue Management in Hospitality
HFT 4802 (3) Catering Management
Approved Electives (9) as outlined on department website
HFT 4941 (0) Work Experience


Majors must have a total of 12 credit hours between HFT 3941 and elective requirements. Students can complete additional credit hours of HFT 3941 and use them as substitutes for elective requirements.

Not all electives are offered every semester/year.

Course Description Notes
HFT 2060 Coffee and Tea  
HFT 2061 Ales, Lagers, and International Culture  
HFT 2062 International Wine and Culture  
HFT 2063 Distilled Spirits  
HFT 2080 International Protocol  
HFT 2452 Hospitality Supply Management  
HFT 2704 A Survey of Ecotourism (c) Part of Costa Rica study-abroad program
HFT 2710 International Travel and Tourism  
HFT 2716 International Travel and Culture  
HFT 2801 Tequila, Agave, Spirits and Culture  
HFT 2876 Italian Wine and Culture (f) Part of Florence study-abroad program
HFT 2890 International Food and Culture  
HFT 2895 Italian Food and Culture (f) Part of Florence study-abroad program
HFT 3100 Introduction to Global Club Management Not an elective for GCML majors;
only available in summer semester
HFT 3221 Human Resource Management  
HFT 3240 Managing Service Organizations  
HFT 3242 Communication in Hospitality (w)  
HFT 3519 Convention Services and Event Management  
HFT 3542 Event Management  
HFT 3544 Psychology of Customer Experience  
HFT 3700 Tourism Management and the Environment Not an elective for RT majors
HFT 3771 Introduction to Maritime Hospitality  
HFT 3891 Global Food Controversy  
HFT 4064 Ales, Lagers, and Culture Must be 21 or older
HFT 4448 Technology & Big Data Applications in Hospitality and Tourism  
HFT 4866 Wine and Culture Must be 21 or older
HFT 4905 DIS (Directed Individual Study) Permission of instructor, 0-12 credit hours
HFT 4930 Special Topics in Hospitality Permission of instructor
HFT 4970 Honors Thesis Permission of instructor
LEI 1181 Leisure, Recreation, and Adaptation  
LEI 2318 Events, Ethics, and Sustainability (e)  
LEI 3266 Outdoor Adventure  
LEI 3312 Introduction to Special Events  
LEI 4314 Event Operations and Management  
LEI 4561 Event Promotions  
LEI 4864 Technology for Events  

(e) Fulfills university ethics course requirement

(dl) Fulfills university digital literacy requirement

(f) Course offered only through the Florence study-abroad program

(c) Course offered only through the Costa Rica study-abroad program

(w) Upper-division writing course

Hospitality & Tourism Management majors must complete a minimum of 3 credit hours of HFT3941 (Management Internship).

Majors may complete additional credit hours (up to 12 total) of HFT3941 (Management Internship) and use them as substitutes for Elective Requirements (listed below). Students must have a total of 12 credit hours from HFT3941 + Elective Requirements.

An updated list of approved hospitality electives can be found on the department website:

Required Work Experience:
Students enrolled in the Hospitality and Tourism Management major must complete at least one thousand (1,000) hours of work experience in the hospitality industry. Any internship hours completed by the student will count toward this 1,000 total hour requirement. The work experience must be completed at the post- secondary level. Students must register for HFT 4941 Field Study in Hospitality Administration in their final semester to document this work experience.

Digital Literacy: (0 hours beyond prerequisites)
CGS 2100 (3) Microcomputer Applications for Business or CGS 2518 (3) Spreadsheets for Business meets this requirement for the major.

Oral Communication Competency: (3 hours beyond other requirements)
Students must demonstrate the ability to orally transmit ideas and information clearly. This requirement may be met through with a University approved college-level course.

Minimum Program Requirements - Summary
Total Hours Required 120
General Education 36*
Prerequisite Coursework 12*
Major Coursework 39
Minor Coursework 0
Digital Literacy 0 beyond prerequisites
Oral Competency 3 beyond major coursework
Electives to bring total hours to 120

*Some Prerequisite courses may also be counted as part of General Education requirements.


Mapping is FSU’s academic advising and monitoring system. Academic progress is monitored each Fall and Spring semester to ensure that students are on course to earn their degree in a timely fashion. Transfer students must meet mapping guidelines to be accepted into their majors. MAP


  1. Courses taken at a Community College may not be substituted for 3000/4000 level courses.
  2. A minimum of 45 hours at the 3000 level or above, at least 30 of which must be taken at this University.
  3. At least half of the major course semester hours must be completed in residence at this University. After enrolling at this University, all remaining major course requirements must be completed at this University.
  4. The final 30 hours must be completed in residence at this University.

Summer program: European Summer Study in Switzerland and Food and Wine in Tuscany.

Employment Information


Salary Information: For more information go to: National Association of Colleges and Employers ( or the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Representative Job Titles: Hotel or Restaurant General Manager, Director of Operations, Director of Food and Beverage, Guest Service Director, Meeting Planner, Cruise Line Director, Events Manager, Casino General Manager, Chief Operating Officer, Vice President of Beverage Sales, Director of Revenue Management

Representative Employers: Hotels, Restaurants, Resorts, Tourism Organizations, Health Care Associations, Higher Education Institutions, Professional Associations, Retail Stores, Casinos, Cruise Ships, Theme Parks, Sports Organizations, Beverage Producers/Distributors

Placement: The Dedman College of Hospitality manages the placement service for their majors. About 75-80 companies visit campus each year, with a near 100% placement rate.