Electrical Engineering

Nest Monitoring and Detection System (NMDS)
Josie Acreman, Morgan Olsen, Ethan Lewis
As sea-turtle hatchlings emerge from their nests, the light signature of the moon safely guides them to their home in the ocean. Due to growing coastal light pollution, various sea turtle populations are in decline globally due to hatchling disorientation. We are building a system that will detect an increase in activity prior to the hatching event and will send an alert to ensure that local non-profit volunteers are onsite during said event.

Electronic Nose
James McCollum, Sean Yates, Seth Yates, and Vincent Nguyen
We will develop an Electronic Nose that has a variety of applications such as poisonous gas detection, determination of quality of food, detection of diseases etc. It consists of an array of gas sensors. It will be capable of detecting various elements and compounds such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, ethanol, and ammonia typically in minute amounts. We will improve the accuracy of detection using signal processing and machine learning.
Computer Engineering

NEXUS: Neural Execution and Understanding System
Shawn Hagler and Jaehyun Lee
Sunny Pines hotel is a project that includes design aspects in geotechnical, environmental, transportation, Hydraulic, and Structural areas. This development will include a three-story 32,984 square foot hotel, adequate parking with additional truck parking, a storm water pond and storm water management system, and a utility system including water lines, sewer lines and a grinder pump station. This project is located at the intersection of I10 and SR 75. This location was chosen due to the benefits of a hotel in the area. This area does not currently have similar infrastructure to this proposed design, making it favorable.