All emergencies, criminal activity and suspicious persons should be promptly reported to the campus police by calling 911 or (850) 774-2705.
The FSU Police encourage the accurate and prompt reporting of all crime suspicious activities and emergencies for your safety and the safety of your fellow students, faculty and staff.
The FSU Police authority is granted by Florida law (FSS 1012.97) and is extended to all property under the control of the Board of Education. The FSU Police are granted full arrest authority by the legislature. Patrol is supplemented by the Panama City Police Department and the Bay County Sheriff's Office. A Mutual Aid Agreement with these agencies increases the authority and support through the sharing of officers and other resources.
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report Issue for 2024-2025 Academic Year (pdf)
FSU "Run, Hide, Fight" video. This video contains helpful information in the event of a critical incident/shooter on campus.
This document is required by the Campus Security Act of 1990 to inform the FSU Panama City community of Florida State's safety programs and security procedures.
Any suspicious person or activity should be reported to the FSU Police. Alternative sites to report crime include: Dean's Office: Holley A-311 - (850) 770-2100 - or Director of Student Affairs Barron 215 - (850) 770-2170 - or Assistant Dean, Holley A-311 - (850) 770-2243.
The Cashier's Office, Admissions & Records, and Student Affairs offices in the Barron Building are open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The other campus buildings are secured after use, not later than 10:15 p.m., at which time the campus is considered closed until the next use day.
Confidential Reporting Procedures
If you are a victim of a crime and do not want to pursue action within the University system or the criminal justice system, you may want to consider making a confidential report. With your permission, the Chief or his designee can file a report on the details of the incident without revealing your identity. The purpose of the confidential report is to comply with your wish to keep the matter confidential, while taking steps to ensure the future safety of yourself and others. This also helps the University to track crime trends and to alert the campus community to potential danger. The information you disclose will also be included in the annual crime statistics for the University.
Professional Counselors and Crime Reporting
Professional counselors, when acting as such, are not considered to be a campus security authority and are not required to report crimes to be included in the annual disclosure of crime statistics. As a matter of policy, they are encouraged; if and when they deem it appropriate, to inform persons being counseled of the procedure to report crimes on a voluntary basis for the annual crime statistics.
A professional counselor is defined as an employee of an institution whose official responsibilities include providing psychological counseling to members of the institution's community and who is functioning within the scope of his or her license or certification
Florida State University seeks to encourage and sustain an academic environment that both respects individual freedom and promotes the health, safety and welfare of all members of its community. In keeping with these objectives, the University has established a policy and guidelines governing the possession, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the University campus, and conforming to Florida laws.
Underage possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted on property owned or controlled by the University. Selling or providing alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 21 is not permitted. Consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of 21 is not permitted. Violations of Florida law with respect to the sale, possession and/or consumption of alcohol to or by persons under the age of 21 are dealt with both through the criminal courts and through the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
FSU, consistent with its educational mission, does not condone the possession, sale or use of illegal drugs as defined by federal or state law. Narcotic and dangerous drug laws are vigorously enforced by the University Police. Students involved in illegal drug trafficking, sale, possession and/or use, are subject not only to criminal prosecution but to administrative sanctions up to and including permanent expulsion from the University.
FSU Panama City Police Contact
Lt. Derrell Smith
Office of Public Safety
Phone: (850) 872-4750 ext. 2225 or (850) 770-2225
Toll-free: (866) MyFSUPC (866) 693-7872