LeaderShape Institute

LeaderShape ® at Florida State University hosts a session of the Institute which challenges participants to lead with integrity while working toward a vision grounded in their deepest values. Participants explore not only what they want to do, but also who they want to be. During the week, participants will have an opportunity to meet and work with more than 70 students from diverse backgrounds, as well as create a personal vision – an individual commitment to creating a positive change in the world. The Institute is designed to provide an environment that encourages personal leadership development. 
FSU Panama City and the Student Government Council sponsor Panama City students to attend the Institute at no cost to the participants.


The application for FSU Panama City students is currently separate from that of the primary LeaderShape at FSU application.
Applications are currently closed.


The curriculum is created for individuals who are committed to engaging in personal leadership development work and who want to make a significant impact on campus, their communities, and the world. At Florida State, the application is available for all undergraduate students.