Gang-Ryung Uh, PhD

Gang-Ryung Uh, Computer Science Faculty
Uh, PhD
Computer Science
Associate Teaching Professor
Holley A-111-S
(850) 770-2236

Curriculum Vitae

Sample recorded lectures

  • Introduction to Programming 1 in C++ (COP3014)
    • Pointer data type, address-of and dereference operators
    • Overview and Demo of the programming assignment - aMAZEd
  • Operating systems (COP4610)
    • Recorded lecture on XV6 context switch
    • Recorded lecture on X86 Xv6 Process address space creation
  • Programming Languages (COP4020)
    • MicroPL Programming Language project description
    • Recorded lecture on Syntax directed translation
  • Computer Organization (Architecture) (CDA3101)
    • Recorded lecture on Pipeline datapath and control