Brian Parker, PhD

Tuesday: 11 - 1
Wednesday: 9 - 11
Thursday: 9 - 10
Brian Parker, PhD in mass communication from the University of Florida, has over 19 years teaching experience in higher education.
He has worked as an assistant professor at Florida International University and Florida State University, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses including advertising research, consumer behavior, media planning, communication theory, and other IMC related courses.
His research is focused on consumer behavior, brand equity / image, advertisement strategy and response. Parker has extensive field experience as a consumer and market researcher, having consulted as an analyst on projects for companies including Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Celebrex, Miller Beer, Budweiser, Nescafé, and Florida Power & Light.
His research is published in journals such as the Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Political Marketing, Journal of Applied Marketing Theory, and Studies in Media and Communication, and he regularly presents competitive research papers at the Association for Marketing Theory and Practice and the American Academy of Advertising conferences.
Curriculum Vitae (pdf)