To educate others about the field of psychology
To promote campus spirit through the planning and execution of Psychology Club and A&S fee sponsored events.
To help out various organizations throughout the community by means of volunteer work and/or raising funds through Psychology Club sponsored events.
Membership and Eligibility
Any person who is a psychology major or minor, anyone currently or formerly involved in a related field, or anyone who shows an earnest interest in the field of psychology.
Club dues are $35 annually.
The Psychology Club operates on a point based system. Each member is required to accrue 10 points/semester. Officers are required to accrue 20 points/semester.
Psychology Club Graduates of Distinction
Any active Psychology Club member, majoring in psychology and graduating with a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or greater will be eligible to wear a Psychology Club honor cord. Honor cords will be purchased with funds from student dues and presented to eligible students at the last scheduled meeting prior to graduation.
Alumni Membership Active members may retain alumni status upon graduation. Must submit a lifetime $25 processing fee.