FSU Panama City STEM Institute 2015 Summer STEM Camps

Erica Martin

Florida State University Panama City’s STEM Institute will hold 2015 STEM camps for eighth through 12th graders interested in STEM education and careers. The camps will be from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday on the campus of Florida State University Panama City.

Summer STEM Camp for rising eight graders, June 15-19

Students will work with practicing STEM professionals and local educators on chemistry, electronics, programming and robotics. Transportation and lunches are not provided.

Summer STEM Camp for rising ninth and 10th graders, July 13-17

Students will work with practicing STEM professionals and local educators on chemistry, electronics, biology, entomology, and robotics. Transportation and lunches are not provided.

Funding for the above camps is provided via the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Panama City Division through the National Defense Education Program.

Bay Education Foundation/FSU Panama City VEX Robotics Camp for high school juniors and seniors, June 22-25

Students will work with the more advanced and more capable VEX robotics system with assistance from practicing STEM professionals and VEX-trained educators.

SCUBA Lab, for students 15 years and older, June 8-12 and June 15-19

Students will work on gaining SCUBA Dive Certification and will conduct marine research in the local Gulf waters. Cost of this camp is $527 and the student is required to have his/her own snorkel, mask, fins, booties and dive knife.

For more details and application, visit the FSU Panama City STEM Institute website. For more information on these programs, call Dr. John Smith, STEM Institute Director at 850/770-2260.