Global Business Learning Community Past Events

Fall 2022

September 14, Noon to 1 pm, guest speaker, Mr. Landon Gaines, Senior Vice President of Operations, FSU Credit Union. Mr. Gains will talk about careers in financial markets. Conversations with students will include local, national, and global topics.  This networking opportunity is excellent for entrepreneurship, business administration , accounting, finance, professional communication, undecided- and exploratory majors seeking an understanding of possible career paths. Lunch is provided by our Sponsor, FSU Credit Union.  
September 26, 2:00 to 3:30 pm guest speaker, Mr. Neil Rodenbeck, Associate Manager of Booz Allen Hamilton. A consulting firm with expertise in analytics, digital engineering, and cyber industries.  Booz Allen Hamilton's presence spans the globe as their customer markets include businesses, government, and military organizations. This session will specifically cover Booz Allen Hamilton's leadership role in the defense contracting industry as a key provider in the rebuilding of Tyndall AFB. Students will learn how Booz Allen Hamilton meets expectations of key stakeholders, decides future growth plans, and why the company considers a global mindset as an important characteristic when hiring employees.

October 9, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Credit Scores and Budgets: Understanding the basics to make your money work for YOU. -Learn simple tips and tricks to improve your credit score • Understand short term tactics to make your money work for you even during challenging times • Get information from the expert on how to increase your wealth for the long term. Bay Auditorium flyer
October 12, Noon to 1 pm, guest speaker Dr. Joe Calhoun, FSU Economics Department Chair, Director of Stavros Center for Economic Education and Dr. Joe Krupka, FSU PC, Accounting professor Extraordinaire and architect and Director of the FSU Financial Planning Certification program, will discuss personal financing with a focus on preparing students for that first career paycheck and fiscal responsibility after graduation. Lunch is provided by our Sponsor, FSU Credit Union.

October 24, 10 - 11 a.m. Trane Technologies Facility Tour. We are celebrating 2022 Manufacturing Day and would like to invite you to visit our plant. In addition to gaining an understanding of our history, current state, and future goals, you will have the opportunity to tour the production area and meet our expert staff who will answer your questions. Please wear long pants and closed-toed shoes on the tour. flyer
October 26, 6 pm to 8 pm guest speaker Grant Abbott, Vice President of Lending and Administration, FSU Credit Union. The topic for this session is 'Personal Finance and Investing for the Future: Myth Busting. This event is also open to the public.  
October 28, Academy of International Business- Southeast chapter will host the 2022 Annual Conference on our campus Oct 27-29th. Friday, October 28 students can experience X-Culture business problem competition- UPS Case and tour a local business with the top global X-Culture teams.  
November 2, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. CT, Holley A210. Global Business Learning Program hosts a guest speaker event: Ms. Melissa Güzeliş Boyaci, founder and CEO or EKO Diamond a global, diamond jewelry company based in Turkey. Ms. Melissa Güzeliş Boyaci will join the meeting via Zoom. Students will be surprised with the innovative ways in which Eko Diamond addresses ethical and environmental responsibilities in the diamond industry; stakeholder expectations, and the importance of having a global mind set. Ms. Güzeliş Boyaci will provide invaluable advice for being a successful global leader. flyer

November 17, Noon to 1 pm,  guest speaker, Ms. Dana Carroll, VP of Marketing, Millennium Space, div of Boeing Aerospace Company. Ms. Carroll will discuss challenges of digital marketing in a global business environment from recruiting, to promoting both in the commercial and government arenas.  She will provide students tips with seeking internships and jobs upon graduation.