Glenda Buckland

Key Responsibilities: Admissions and Records / Student Enrollment:
- Undergraduate (Jr/Sr)
- Non-Degree
- Transient
- Readmissions
- Residency
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with Honors; Ashworth College, Norcross, GA, 2012
- Graduate Certificate in Event Management; Florida State University, Panama City, FL, 2015
- Several other certificates throughout the years.
About Me
I have enjoyed working at FSU Panama City since 2009. I believe I have found my life’s passion in the Admissions Office assisting transfer students returning to earn their BA or BS degree. It’s not easy for a single mom, a veteran or a retired citizen to return to school, to know who to talk to that will help get the process started, how to start or complete the application, what to collect/submit, the right major; and where to enter their FL residency information for in-state tuition….these are the students and their questions that I get to communicate with daily and I enjoy every minute of it. If I can’t answer their questions, I know who can. I find it very satisfying to assist these students and know when I leave work each day that I’ve helped at least one more student in reaching their goal of graduating from FSU. I call it my gratifying work that supports a life changing experience for anyone who seeks it.
Previously, I was an internal accountant for over 25 years for three different organizations and opened/operated family businesses over the years as well. Happily married to my husband Bobby Buckland; we have a very talented son with a BA in Music, a beautiful daughter-n-law with an MS in Occupational Therapy. Three adorable and smart grandchildren, all very young grands of course 😊. I’m incredibly blessed in family, life, friendships and at work.
Please let me know if I may ever be of assistance to you.
Glenda Buckland