Maritime Drone Launcher
Brody Baker, Team Leader; Connor Barrett, Mechanical Engineer; Richard Garcia, Mechanical Engineer; Alex Moeller, Mechanical Engineer
The Maritime Drone Launcher project is a two-phase project (Design and Build) where both the design and construction of the project will be carried out by the Maritime Drone Launcher team. The current systems commonly used to launch long-distance fixed-wing drones have many shortcomings. They are typically large, complex, and not intended for small vessel operations. Our end goal is to design and create an improved launching system that is designed for the maritime environment, small enough to be easily transportable, and durable enough to work reliably in remote locations. This system would prove useful to those who conduct ship-to-shore reconnaissance and search and rescue operations, such as the military and law enforcement.

Automatic Dog Door
Aaron Burghardt, Software Engineer; Mandolin Brown, Project Engineer; Jack Smith, Design Engineer; Mathew Thompson, Materials Engineer
The most significant inspiration for this project spawned from the faults of a standard dog door which allows pets to roam in and out of a house without restraint. This causes issues for homeowners when pets track dirt, mud, or water into the residence. Subsequent problems can arise from these circumstances such as interior property damage. Another significant fault of conventional dog doors is the lack of security they provide. Small children could potentially fit through the door, and other risks are posed. These conditions motivated the team to envision a feasible way for homeowners dogs to have limited or controlled access the homeowner's house interior and yard. The product would allow homeowners to remotely set locking constraints on the door based on conditions such as weather, time of day, and other relevant factors.
This is a two-phase project. Phase 1 consists primarily of concept selection and design while Phase 2 consists of prototyping and building the product.