Retired U.S. Air Force Master Sargent finds welcoming community in Panama City

James Allen

Dr. Suzanne Remedies, Program Manager for ASCENT, Master Sgt. US Air Force (Ret)

Veterans: Please share your rank/rate/duty title and branch of service? Family members (if applicable): Please share your family member’s name/relation, branch of service, current rank/position title, current duty station (if available). 

MSgt/E-7, Retired, USAF out of Tyndall AFB.  
We were dual military couple: Husband is also USAF retiree, CMSgt/E-9 currently serving as the Tyndall Fire Chief as civil servant.

As a veteran (or military family member), what has stood out to you as a positive experience or attribute during your experience working at FSU Panama City/The Collegiate School?

The positive experience of working at FSU Panama City is the small town/community feel.  It is a place that is welcoming to everyone and where support of students, staff and faculty is unmatched.  

How do you feel the local Panama City/Bay County community has demonstrated its support for veterans and/or military family members?  

Having been stationed all over the world, I can say this has been one of the most welcoming communities we have ever lived, and one of the main reasons we chose to settle down in Bay County upon retirement. 
