Build your legacy brick by brick
Commemorate your graduation or leave an inspirational message for the university community
Alumni, friends and family members, leave a lasting legacy by including your name in the commemorative bricks at FSU Panama City.

Perfect for graduation or celebrating your alumni status, bricks cost $200 and all proceeds benefit campus enrichment.

Purchase includes a matching miniature keepsake brick. Mini bricks will be available for pick up at the Office of Advancement at no additional cost or can be shipped for $10.
Personalized bricks will be incorporated into a legacy courtyard between the Holley Academic Center and the Technology and Barron buildings.
Your brick purchase is 100 percent tax deductible (not including shipping fee for mini brick if chosen) and is maintained and covered by a lifetime warranty.
For questions or more information, call (850) 770-2168 or email
Order Form (hard copy)
Order Form (online)