What We're Looking For

Our application review process is a holistic and selective process, where no single criterion guarantees admission. Our holistic review process is centered on three of our institutional core values — Vires, Artes, Mores.




The first torch, Vires, is strength. Our focus in this area is rigor, grades, and courses taken while in high school. Each applicant is evaluated based upon the performance within the context of the student's academic environment.

Transcripts - GPA - Course Rigor - High School Profile




The second torch, Artes, is skill. We want to see how students use their out-of-classroom time, whether through sports, clubs, organizations, family responsibilities, employment, or other achievements.

Resume - Academic and Non-academic Involvement




The third torch, Mores, is character. We are taking the information students have shared with us to learn who they are, any formative experiences they may have had, and what their life goals may be.

Essay - Resume - High School and Neighborhood Context

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C.A.R.E.S. Program group shot

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