The Florida State University consists of the main campus, one regional branch campus in Panama City, Florida, and a number of other centers and programs geographically dispersed throughout the state and internationally. Somewhat different from the mission of the main campus in Tallahassee, the mission of the regional branch campus in Panama City is to provide educational activities and supportive services to the population of the surrounding geographic area as well as the global community. The highest goal of this institution is to provide an exceptional educational experience for every student.
Although there is an expectation of creative activity necessary to sustain the teaching role, the research and publication expectation critical to advancing the mission of a Research I university yields to a more substantial instruction and service workload at the regional campus.
This section describes the criteria and related evaluation procedures to be used by the Panama City campus for annual faculty evaluation. It applies to all non-ranked Panama City campus faculty as a unit. These criteria and procedures are consistent with the mission and goals of the Florida State University and the Panama City campus, and comply with the provisions of the 2012-13 BOT-UFF Collective Bargaining Agreement, which was ratified effective Dec. 10, 2012, and specifically pertain to Article 10, Performance Evaluations.
Section 1: Basic Principles, Requirements and Assumptions
- These criteria and evaluative procedures are the sole basis upon which administrators shall evaluate faculty performance.
- These criteria and evaluation procedures are consistent with the mission and goals of Florida State University Panama City.
- These criteria and evaluative procedures are logically related to all criteria and procedures pertaining to annual evaluation, merit evaluation, salary increase and the promotion process.
- These criteria may also be used to assure that all faculty members shall be reviewed for merit for the sake of achieving a merit raise when merit funds are available. However, these criteria do not mandate a merit pay award for all employees or all faculty of the branch campus/unit.
- Meritorious performance is now defined in the collective bargaining agreement as “Performance that meets or exceeds the expectation for the position classification and department/unit.â€
- These criteria must be detailed enough that any reasonable faculty member can understand what performance is required to earn each performance evaluation rating.
- These criteria including both qualitative and quantitative aspects of performance will be evaluated by the dean of the Panama City campus and/or his/her appointees.
- These criteria reflect distinctive levels of merit reflecting the differences in performance. Merit will be evaluated to correspond to a 5-point scale:
- Substantially Exceeds FSU's High Expectations
- Exceeds FSU's High Expectations
- Meets FSU' s High Expectations
- Official Concern
- Does Not Meet FSU's High Expectations
- Each faculty member must create an annual evaluation binder. In their binder, they must include a self-evaluation form (discussed below). In the self-evaluation form, faculty will indicate merit ratings he or she believes are appropriate for his or her performance. Self-evaluations will be utilized for a) annual evaluations completed by campus administration and b) merit evaluations completed by the Faculty Merit Evaluation Committee. Annual evaluations must contain a narrative explanation of faculty evaluations as well as completion of the Annual Evaluation Summary Form (see Appendix A; previously Appendix F in the Bargaining Agreement). The narrative returned to the faculty member must indicate reasons for the disallowance of any and all merit ratings submitted in the binder. If the self-evaluation is correct, the narrative may simply state that fact.
- A PIP (Performance Improvement Plan) is required when a non-tenured faculty member receives a “Does Not Meet FSU's High Expectations†rating. (Tenured faculty members may be placed on a PIP if they receive an overall performance rating of “Does Not Meet FSU's High Expectations†on three or more of the previous six performance evaluations.)
- Each Faculty Member will be evaluated using Appendix A (i.e., Appendix F from the Bargaining Agreement) -Annual Evaluation Summary Form-as amended October, 2012.
Section 2: Structure of Merit Evaluation Process
The Faculty Handbook presents specific information and standards that will be used to evaluate teaching/instruction, recruiting, research and service. The following criteria are based on the unique setting and focus of FSU-PC faculty and are thus somewhat distinct from expectations at FSU main campus. Each section of the faculty AOR: Teaching/Instruction, Research/Creative Activity and Service, will be broken down to include all activities that may be included in evaluation. It should be stated that minimal expectations for faculty are recorded on individual AORs. If those basic requisite expectations are fulfilled, a ranking of Meets FSU's High Expectations would be warranted. Additional performances above and beyond one's basic responsibilities in any AOR area would constitute potential for a higher ranking. These weightings are intended to a) be inclusive of all activities faculty engage in under the AOR categories of Teaching/Instruction , Research/Creative Activity and Service, and, b) quantify objectively and fairly (and to the greatest extent possible) the performance of those activities that have been determined to be valuable to students attending the Panama City campus.
The attached Merit Reporting Worksheet for Faculty Self-Evaluation (Appendix B) includes a sample list of activities, per AOR area that would fall under the different categories of merit (e.g., meets, exceeds, or substantially exceeds FSU's high standards). Through listing and rank-ordering the many activities faculty engage in it has been possible to organize the activities according to three categories with corresponding weights based on perceived value of the activity. Evaluation is based on activities in all areas of one's AOR. Each year faculty should record all performances of activities in these areas and complete a self-evaluation in which they list their activities and assign a merit rating for their performances in all areas of their AOR. The Faculty Self Evaluation Form is attached as Appendix C and a Sample Form for faculty to use when completing their evaluations is attached as Appendix D. In the self-evaluation form, faculty will score their performances in their AOR areas by assigning a “1â€to activities that meet expectations, a “2†to activities that exceed expectations, and a “4â€to activities that substantially exceed expectations. Also in this form they will weigh these scores according to their AOR percentages of time allocation to each AOR area, which will yield a final quantitative measure for all activities which will yield a final determination of a merit rating of: Meets FSU's High Expectations, Exceeds FSU's High Expectations, or Substantially Exceeds FSU's High Expectations. An outlined summary of all steps faculty must take for the Merit Evaluation Process is provided in Appendix E.
Any faculty member who fails to meet minimum requirements for performance of duties in any single area, but meets minimum requirements for performance of duties in all other areas should be rated “Official Concern†and should be deemed ineligible for merit pay during that cycle. Any faculty member who fails to meet minimum requirements for performance of duties in two or more areas, or who has received any rankings of Official Concern for two or more consecutive years, should be rated “Does Not Meet FSU's High Expectations†and should be deemed ineligible for merit pay during that cycle.
Consistent with Appendix F from the Bargaining agreement (Appendix A in this document) — Annual Evaluation Summary Form (amended October 2012) — merit criteria have been broken into four categories: Teaching, Research/Creative Activity, Service and Other. The merit criteria take into account that faculty members' work varies considerably, and they reflect the different fields represented on our campus. Differences also exist in the percentage of time faculty members allocate to teaching, research/creative work, and service. Faculty should set the value (time spent) for each category (Teaching, Research and Other Creative Activity, Service and Other) in his or her annual AOR and self-evaluation.
*Questions concerning the faculty evaluation process or guidelines should be directed to the Chair of the Faculty Evaluation Committee or campus administrators.
The purpose of teaching is to impart knowledge to and develop the skills of our students in their respective fields of study. Evidence of the effectiveness of teaching is shown in student course evaluations.
AOR AREA: Teaching/Instruction | Rating |
SPOT evaluations of <80% Excellent (5), Very Good (4) and Good/Satisfactory (3) on Overall Assessment of Instructor over academic year (i.e., average of all courses taught). | 0 |
Spots reflect ≥80% of Excellent (5), Very Good (4) and Good/Satisfactory (3) on Overall Assessment of Instructor for the year (i.e., average of all courses taught). |
1 |
Spots reflect 80-89% of Excellent (5) and Very Good (4) on Overall Assessment of Instructor for the year (i.e., average of all courses taught). | 2 |
Spots reflect 2: ≥90% of Excellent (5) and Very Good (4) on Overall Assessment of Instructor for the year (i.e., average of all courses taught). | 4 |
*Given the low completion rate of SPOT evaluations, exceptions may be made for hybrid/online courses. Evaluation criteria for the determination of effectiveness for faculty teaching hybrid/online courses will therefore be included in each faculty member's respective AOR.
Research and Creative Activity
The purpose of research and creative activity is to discover and develop deeper understandings of knowledge with direct or indirect applicability to academic disciplines offered at FSU Panama City. Scholarship/research is developed through the communication of knowledge through a variety of publications, media and oral presentations. The following evidence may be considered in the evaluation process.
AOR AREA: Research/Creative Activity | Rating |
Did not complete duties as assigned | 0 |
Attending and participating in a conference (not presenting) | 1 |
Supervising student project(s) within courses taught | |
Publishing non-peer reviewed papers, books, etc. related to field of study | |
Publishing in magazines, newsletters, media outlets related to field of study | |
Presenting at a conference (poster, paper presentation, etc.) |
2 (If you complete ≥ 3 separate activities that are a 2 rating, this would equal a “substantially exceeds†rating of a 4) |
Serving/Chairing on committee for honor's thesis, master's thesis or dissertation | |
Supervising or conducting research outside of courses taught | |
Serving as a discussant for a conference presentation | |
Serving as a reviewer for a national/international conference | |
Book or chapter review for textbook publisher | |
≥Third authorship on a peer-reviewed journal article | |
PI/Co-PI of an extramurally funded research grant (<$50,000 per year) | |
First or second authorship on a peer-reviewed journal article | 4 |
Serving as editor or guest reviewer for scholarly journals (peer review) | |
Organizer for a national/international conference (on planning committee) | |
Author/editor of Scholarly book by a major publisher | |
PI/Co-PI of an extramurally funded research grant (> $50,000 per year) |
Computation of activities in this category is straightforward:
- List any research and other creative activities that are done in addition to activities listed in and agreed upon in the faculty member's AOR. The activities listed in the above table represent examples of research/creative activities, and are based on guidelines for Research and Creative Activities described in “Successful Faculty Performance in Teaching, Research and Original Creative Work, and Service†(Sampson, Driscoll, Foulk & Carroll, April 26, 2010, pages 5-13) as provided by the dean of the Faculties Office of Florida State University, as well as a review of FSU Panama City faculty AORs conducted by the Faculty Evaluation Committee in March 2013.
- Provide a list of each activity listed in the Faculty Self-Evaluation Form. Faculty members may include activities that fit within Research and Creative Activity guidelines, and those that are not included in the table.
Based on the activities and descriptions given, denote the level of merit attained for this area: “Meets FSU's High Expectations†(a value of “1â€), “Exceeds FSU's High Expectations†(a value of “2â€) or “Substantially Exceeds FSU's High Expectations†(a value of “4â€). This will be done in the Faculty Self-Evaluation Form (Appendix C).
The purpose of service is to facilitate the accomplishment of departmental, university, community and professional goals. Service incorporates activities which are not considered the teaching or research and other creative activities categories. The following evidence may be considered in the evaluation process. The list is not considered exhaustive, nor is the listing of evidence in priority order.
AOR AREA: Service | Rating |
Did not complete duties as assigned. | 0 |
Serving as advisor for student organizations | 1 |
Serving as an advisor for Garnet and Gold Scholar Society | |
Developing promotional materials for program, department or university | |
Participating in FSU Panama City Open House | |
Completing agreed upon (in AOR meeting) recruiting activities to neighboring schools | |
Recruiting at Professional Conferences or Via Printed Articles in Professional Publications | |
Completing recruiting visits outside of agreed upon activities in AOR meeting (e.g., extra visit to a new campus, completion of more visits than planned) |
2 (If you complete ≥ 3 separate activities that are a 2 rating, this would equal a “substantially exceeds†rating of a 4) |
Serving as member of FSU Panama City, department or college/university committees | |
Serving in professional groups (local, regional, national) as officer, board member, committee member, etc. related to your field | |
Providing presentation to community, civic, governmental or other external organizations | |
Serving as representative of department, college or university at professional meetings | |
Special recognition by professional organizations | |
Assuming administrative duties, such as serving as a program coordinator or a center director for less than six months | |
Serving as leader of FSU Panama City, department, college or university committees in which services lasts less than six months | |
Assuming administrative duties, such as serving as a program coordinator or a center director for longer than six months | 4 |
Providing testimony on professional matters to legislative bodies | |
Serving as leader of FSU Panama City, department, college or university committees in which services lasts longer than six months | |
Serving as faculty coordinator |
Computation of activities in this category is straightforward:
- List any service activities that are done in addition to activities listed in and agreed upon in the faculty member's AOR, apply a value. The activities listed in the above table represent examples of service, and are based on guidelines for Service Activities described in “Successful Faculty Performance in Teaching, Research and Original Creative Work, and Service†(Sampson, Driscoll, Foulk & Carroll, April 26, 2010, pages 14-15) as provided by the dean of the Faculties Office of Florida State University, as well as a review of FSU Panama City faculty AORs conducted by the Faculty Evaluation Committee in March 2013.
- Provide a list of each activity completed in the Faculty Self-Evaluation Form. Faculty members may include activities that fit within Service Activity guidelines, and those that are not included in the table.
Based on the activities and descriptions given, denote the level of merit attained for this area: “Meets FSU's High Expectations†(a value of “lâ€), “Exceeds FSU's High Expectations†(a value of “2â€) or “Substantially Exceeds FSU's High Expectations†(a value of “4â€). This will be done in the Faculty Self Evaluation Form (Appendix C).
A category has been created for activities that do not fall under teaching, research and other creative activity, and service. The value (time spent) for this category should be set at 0% in the AOR and would therefore not be entered into the calculation of merit. All activities that faculty complete should fall under Teaching/Instruction, Research/Creative Activity and Service.
- Final Calculation of Merit: The final calculation of merit will be done in the Score Summary Section of the Faculty Self-Evaluation form (Appendix C) which is in compliance with Appendix F from the Bargaining Agreement-Annual Evaluation Form (Appendix A in this document), and is done as follows:
- On the score summary, the faculty member refers to the percentage of time spent on each category (i.e., Teaching, Research and Other Activity, Service, and Other) as set in that faculty member's annual AOR.
- Under each category, the faculty member denotes the level of expectation met. A category (such as “Otherâ€) given “0%†on the AOR for average time spent would be marked as “Not Observed†in the Annual Evaluation Form completed by administration.
- Consistent with FSU's scoring guidelines, for this calculation “Meets FSU's High Expectations†is given a value of “1,†Exceeds FSU's High Expectations†a value of “2,†and “Substantially Exceeds FSU's High Expectations†a value of “4.â€
- To obtain an overall merit number, the score for each category is multiplied by its corresponding percentage of average time spent. For example:
Category |
Average AOR Percentage (%) Across all semesters | Score (0,1,2, or 4) | Calculation (Score multiplied by %) |
Teaching | 75% | 4 | 3 |
Research and Other Creative Activity | 15% | 2 | 0.3 |
Service | 10% | 1 | 0.1 |
Other | 0% | -- | 0 |
Overall | 100% | 3.4 |
Refer to the Faculty Self Evaluation form for the determination of your Final Merit Rating Score and the Sample Faculty Self Evaluation form as a guide for determining this score and subsequent final merit rating of “Meets FSU's High Expectations,†“Exceeds FSU's High Expectations,†“Substantially Exceeds FSU's High Expectations†or “Does Not meet Standards/Official Concern.â€
Appendix A Annual Evaluation Summary Form
Annual Evaluation Summary Form
Period of Report
(if other than annual)
From: To:
Name Rank and Position
College/Unit Department/Unit
Indicate evaluation by placing an “x†in the appropriate column for each category below. In the “Overall Performance†section, rate the employee's overall performance in fulfilling his or her responsibilities to the University. Average AOR percentage is based on the annual assignment of responsibilities (nine-month assignment for nine-month faculty). The annual evaluation shall include evaluation of summer activities for nine-month faculty if there is a summer assignment.
Category | Average AOR Percentage | Substantially Exceeds FSU's High Expectations | Exceeds FSU's High Expectations | Meets FSU's High Expectations | Official Concern | Does Not meet FSU's High Expectations | Not Observed |
Teaching | |||||||
Research and Other Creative Activity | |||||||
Service | |||||||
Other | |||||||
Overall Performance |
The evaluator's narrative explanation of overall performance must be attached. The evaluator should receive input from both students and faculty in preparing this report. If for any reason such input is unavailable, the report should indicate why and what alternative methods have been used.
Has this rating been discussed with this employee? ( ) Yes ( ) No (attach explanation)
Signature of Evaluator:___________________________________________ Date:___________________
Signature of Employee:___________________________________________ Date:___________________
Number of pages attached to report:_________________________________
Signature of Academic Dean/Director:________________________________ Date:___________________
Amended Oct 2012
Appendix B Merit Reporting Worksheet/or Faculty Self-Evaluation AOR
Merit Reporting Worksheet/or Faculty Self-Evaluation
Instructions: Please use the following worksheet to determine your own ratings (1, 2 or 4) for your performance in each of your AOR categories when self-evaluating your performance for merit. For the purpose of evaluation, each faculty member must assign a number of 1, 2 or 4 for each area of their AOR:
- 1=Meet's FSU's High Expectations
- 2=Exceeds FSU's High Expectations
- 4=Substantially exceeds FSU's High Expectations
During the AOR meeting, faculty will discuss the allocations of their time to these different activities as well as what is expected for them to meet FSU's high expectations. When evaluating your own activities for merit, the tables below provide examples of activities that would be considered meeting expectations and those considered meritorious* (either exceeding or substantially exceeding expectations). Please use this worksheet to determine your own ratings of your activities when you complete your self-evaluation. You will only provide a 1, 2 or 4 for each area of your AOR in your self-evaluation, as well as justification(s) for your ratings.
Given the low completion rate of SPOT evaluations, exceptions may be made for hybrid/online courses. Evaluation criteria for the determination of effectiveness for faculty teaching hybrid/online courses will therefore be included in each faculty member's respective AOR.
This list of examples is in no way exhaustive. If faculty members feel that activities warrant higher ratings, they are welcome to supply justifications for merit ratings in their self-evaluations. Additionally, faculty can justify other activities for merit categories in their self-evaluation or make changes to their AOR with administration as new duties arise (e.g., new grant proposal submitted).
AOR AREA: Teaching/Instruction
AOR AREA: Teaching/Instruction | Rating |
SPOT evaluations of <80% Excellent (5), Very Good (4) and Good/Satisfactory (3) on Overall Assessment of Instructor over academic year (i.e., average of all courses taught). | 0 |
Spots reflect 2: ≥80% of Excellent (5), Very Good (4) and Good/Satisfactory (3) on Overall Assessment of Instructor for the year (i.e., average of all courses taught). | 1 |
Spots reflect 80-89% of Excellent (5) and Very Good (4) on Overall Assessment of Instructor for the year (i.e., average of all courses taught). | 2 |
Spots reflect 2: ≥90% of Excellent (5) and Very Good (4) on Overall Assessment of Instructor for the year (i.e., average of all courses taught). | 4 |
AOR AREA: Research/Creative Activity
AOR AREA: Research/Creative Activity | Rating |
Did not complete duties as assigned. | 0 |
Attending and participating in a conference (not presenting) | 1 |
Supervising student project(s) within courses taught | |
Publishing non-peer reviewed papers, books, etc. related to field of study | |
Publishing in magazines, newsletters, media outlets related to field of study | |
Presenting at a conference (poster, paper presentation, etc.) |
2 (If you complete ≥ 3 separate activities that are a 2 rating, this would equal a “substantially exceeds†rating of a 4) |
Serving on a committee for honor's thesis, master's thesis or dissertation | |
Supervising or conducting research outside of courses taught | |
Serving as a discussant for a conference presentation | |
Serving as a reviewer for a national/international conference | |
Book or chapter review for textbook publisher | |
≥Third authorship on a peer-reviewed journal article | |
PI/Co-PI of an extramurally funded research grant (<$50,000 per year) | |
First or second authorship on a peer-reviewed journal article | 4 |
Serving as editor or guest reviewer for scholarly journals (peer review) | |
Organizer for a national/interactional conference (on planning committee) | |
Author/editor of scholarly book by a major publisher | |
PI/Co-PI of an extramurally funded research grant (>$50,000 per year) |
AOR AREA: Service
AOR AREA: Service |
Did not complete duties as assigned. |
Serving as advisor for student organizations |
Serving as an advisor for Garnet and Gold Scholar Society |
Developing promotional materials for program, department or university |
Participating in FSU Panama City Open House |
Completing agreed upon (in AOR meeting) recruiting activities to neighboring schools |
Recruiting at professional conferences or via printed articles in professional publications |
Completing recruiting visits outside of agreed upon activities in AOR meeting (e.g., extra visit to a new campus, completion of more visits than planned) |
Serving as member of FSU Panama City, department or college/university committees |
Serving in professional groups (local, regional, national) as officer, board member, committee member, etc. related to your field |
Providing presentation to community, civic, governmental or other external organizations |
Serving as representative of department, college or university at professional meetings |
Special recognition by professional organizations |
Assuming administrative duties, such as serving as a program coordinator or a center director for less than six months |
Serving as leader of FSU Panama City, department, college or university committees in which services lasts less than 6 months |
Assuming administrative duties such as serving as a program coordinator or a center director for longer than six months |
Providing testimony on professional matters to legislative bodies |
Serving as leader of FSU Panama City, department, college or university committees in which services lasts longer than six months |
Serving as faculty coordinator |
Faculty Self-Evaluation Form /or Merit Evaluation
Faculty Name:___________________________________ Year of Evaluation:_____________
Instructions: First, determine your personal ratings for your AOR areas using the Merit Reporting Worksheet. Once you have determined your own ratings (1, 2 or 4) for each of your AOR areas complete the self-evaluation form below.
Merit Rating for Teaching/Instruction 0 1 2 4 (circle)
Please ensure copies of your SPOT summaries are in your binder.
Merit Rating for Research/Creative Activity 0 1 2 4 (circle)
List activities completed to support this rating (in bulleted form).
Merit Rating for Service 0 1 2 4 (circle)
List activities completed to support this rating (in bulleted form).
Score Summary Please weigh your ratings according to your AOR (see sample evaluation form). Remember to average the amount of time spent per AOR area across semesters.
List your final Merit Rating Score Here_________
Based on this evaluation, I believe I have (circle below):
Not Met /Official Concern Standards (Score 0-.99) |
Met FSU standards (Score 1-1.50) |
Exceeded FSU standards (Score 1.51-2.75) |
Substantially exceeded FSU Standards (Score 2.76-4.0) |
Appendix D Sample Faculty Self-Evaluation Form for Merit Evaluation
Faculty Name: | Jane Doe | Year of Evaluation: | 2012 |
Instructions: First, determine your personal ratings for your AOR areas using the Merit Reporting Worksheet. Once you have determined your own ratings (1, 2 or 4) for each of your AOR areas complete the self-evaluation form below.
Merit Rating /or Teaching/Instruction 0 1 2 4 (circle)
Please ensure copies of your SPOT summaries are in your binder.
- My average for all courses taught during 2012 was 82% excellent and very good
Merit Rating /or Research/Creative Activity 0 1 2 4 (circle)
List activities completed to support this rating (in bulleted form).
- I supervised 4 student research projects in my AAA 1122 course
- I presented 2 papers at a National Conference
Merit Rating for Service 0 1 2 4 (circle)
List activities completed to support this rating (in bulleted form).
I am the advisor for a student organization
I recruited at a national conference
I completed my recruiting duties from my AOR
I chaired a search committee which lasted 3 months
I continually serve as academic program director (12 months long)
Score Summary Please weigh your ratings according to your AOR allocations (e.g., 80% teaching, 5% Research, and 15% Service). Remember to average the amount of time spent per AOR area across semesters.
(e.g., [2*.80] + [2*.05] + [4*.15] = 2.30)
List your final Merit Rating Score Here | 2.30 |
Based on this evaluation, I believe I have (circle below):
Not Met /Official Concern Standards (Score 0-.99) |
Met FSU standards (Score 1-1.50) |
Exceeded FSU standards (Score 1.51-2.75) |
Substantially exceeded FSU Standards (Score 2.76-4.0) |
Appendix E Outline of Procedures for Faculty to Complete Merit Evaluations
- Conduct your AOR meeting
- During your AOR meeting, determine the allocation of your time across the AOR areas
- Areas of AOR include: Teaching/Instruction, Research/Creative Activity and Service
- Recruiting falls under Service
- Any “other†activity should be allocated to Research or Service areas on the AOR (e.g., grant writing)
- During your AOR meeting, also determine the individual expectations for meeting your performance requirements for each area
- During the calendar year, keep records of your activities
- When the year is over, evaluations for the previous year must be completed
- Create your annual evaluation binder
- Complete the “Faculty Self-Evaluation Form†in which you provide your individual ratings (any supplemental support to justify your self-ratings should be included in your binder)
Use the sample self-evaluation form and merit reporting worksheet as references that were provided by the Merit Evaluation Committee when completing the self-evaluation
- Print your Self-Evaluation form, include it as the first page of your annual evaluation binder, then submit the binder to the Merit Evaluation Committee
*All faculty must submit their self-evaluations for merit*