ABA Registration Information

The Registrar’s Office is located in the Barron Building in room 108 in Panama City and in A3900 University Center A in Tallahassee. Students register for classes over the web (see Registration Guide for details). Additional information about registration in Panama City.

Students admitted to the program must have completed the following prerequisite courses prior to being admitted to the program: Introduction to Psychology, Research Methods, Conditioning and Learning, and Applied Behavior Analysis with a grade of B- or better. 

Criminal background checks. Students admitted to the ABA program are required to undergo federal and state criminal background checks prior to first semester registration. Positive results may change a student's admission status because of the practicum requirements of the program. If students with positive results are permitted to matriculate, they must undergo the state and criminal background check again at the beginning of the spring semester of their first year. The need for additional background checks will be determined on an individual basis. 

Waiver of Courses.  Students in the master's program may not substitute a graduate level course taken from another university for any of the 10 required EAB content courses (5700, 5701, 5708, 5710, 5711, 5722, 5740, 5780, 5796, 6130). Prior applied experience may not substitute for the program's practicum requirements (EAB 5940, 5941, 5942).