FSU Graduate Bulletin
- Available online at http://registrar.fsu.edu/bulletin/graduate/; (850) 770-2160
- This has the answer to just about any question you might have. We are in the College of Arts and Science, Department of Psychology.
Registration Guide
- You’ll find this online at the Registrar’s web site at https:pc.fsu.edu/students/registration. We recommend that you review the contents of the guide. It includes information about obtaining an FSU Card for those attending classes in Panama City; for those living in Tallahassee should see http://www.fsucard.fsu.edu/.
- If you need assistance registering for classes after you have read this guide, you can go to the Registrar’s Office and they can help you register on a computer terminal in their office.
- When selecting classes make sure to select classes that are 5000 level or higher (graduate courses) and talk with your advisor before deviating from the course schedule outlined in this manual as doing so may prolong the amount of time required to complete the program.
Student Policy Handbook
- Available online at https://dos.fsu.edu/resources/student-handbook. This book contains all information relevant to expectations for student conduct both on and off campus, grievance procedures, and the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of being a student at Florida State University.
FSU Graduate Student Handbook
- The FSU Office of Graduate Studies has developed a Handbook for graduate students. The FSU Office of Admissions Graduate Enrollment Information may be useful as a checklist. While the checklist was created for students at the Tallahassee campus, it contains a wealth of information that is also relevant to Panama City graduate students. [Note that health insurance is not required for students enrolled in FSU Panama City programs and the university-sponsored insurance policy is not available for FSU PC students].
FSU Graduate Assistants United (GAU)
Graduate Assistants at FSU are unionized and the Graduate Assistants United (GAU) represents and advocates for interests of its members and all Graduate Assistants at FSU. Membership is optional. The GAU has a collective bargaining agreement with FSU that outlines issues and procedures affecting graduate assistants (including grad assistant rights, appointments, terminations, etc.). This important bargaining agreement should be reviewed by all grad students.