The art of communication is the language of leadership.

Mission Statement
The organization's mission statement shall be to assist students in the professional development and social networking for communication students or any student interested in the communication field. The Communication Club is affiliated with the FSU PC Communication Department.
The purpose of this organization is the professional development and social networking for communication students or any student interested in the communication field.

To Become A Member

  • Complete the organization's member application.
    • Maintain a 2.0 GPA
    • Be in good standing with the University.
    • Pay the $15 a semester (fall and spring) membership dues within one month of becoming a member. No university student may be denied membership on the basis of race, creed, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or religion.
    • Membership shall be open to any college student currently enrolled at FSU PC.
    • Members may be from other schools.
    • Members are not required to be Communication majors.
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